Our team at Peter Lees is dedicated to Real Estate Sales and Property Management, working together to be Launceston, Tasmania's premier Real Estate agency. We value heart-led customer service and our principles are aligned with the Smartre Training Group, emphasising ethics in Real Estate. Our team take this responsibility very seriously.
Overall, our aim is to make every real estate journey and transaction in the greater area of Launceston, Tasmania a joyful and stress-free experience, with minimal risk.
For urgent Sales inquiries outside regular office hours, please contact our office number, and for tenants, our Emergency maintenance details can be found here
Mon - Fri
9am - 5:30pm
By Appt.
By Appt.
Managing Director
Property Management & Operations Manager
Sales Consultant
Sales Consultant
Sales Consultant
Sales Consultant
Sales Consultant
Sales Consultant
Senior Property Portfolio Manager
Sales Support
Business Development Manager / Senior Portfolio Manager
Property Portfolio Manager
Property Portfolio Manager / Letting Consultant
Sales Secretary
Property Portfolio Manager
Property Management Support
Marketing Manager
Digital Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Assistant