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Selling with Peter Lees

We understand just how tricky and significant the decision to sell your property and select an agent can be.

Making the right choice in an agent can significantly impact both your final sale price and your overall selling experience.

For over 30 years we’ve been working on our approach to selling. We’ve honed our skills and modernised our approach, whilst always keeping our clients’ needs front and centre. Our unique Smart Sale Strategy is designed to ensure you achieve the highest possible price in any market, whilst enjoying the real estate journey.

How are we different?

  • The Smart Sale

Peter Lees Real Estate takes pride in offering a simple yet effective property sales process, consistently achieving outstanding outcomes with minimal risk and stress for the seller.

The Smart Sale provides transparency, honesty, and integrity in every real estate transaction, whilst also guaranteeing the highest price for your property and a seamless selling experience, without fail!

  • A whole team approach

At Peter Lees, we operate as a unified sales team dedicated to selling your property. Instead of relying on a single agent, our entire sales team work together, utilising their combined knowledge, experience and extensive list of potential buyers to achieve the highest possible price for your property.

  • Zero Advertising Expenses

We firmly believe that you shouldn't bear any financial burden if your property doesn't sell. That's why we cover all your marketing and advertising expenses. We believe it’s all part of our service.

  • The Highest Price

We have a long history of delivering exceptional results alongside superior client care. A large majority of our business comes from clients who utilise our services time and time again due to the results we deliver. We’ve cultivated a reputation for exceeding client expectations, being open and transparent in all that we do and backing up our service with a written Customer Guarantee.

  • Our Extensive Buyer Database

At Peter Lees we have an extensive qualified buyer database. We know Launceston and our surrounding area’s and we know our buyers. We understand their preferences and take the time to get to know them. You can be sure that when showing a buyer through your property we’ve already done our utmost to find out if finance will be required, their property history, financial capacity and whether they’re previously missed out on any other properties and why.


The Smart Sale

What is the Smart Sale? How can it benefit you?

The Smart Sale Strategy uses the private treaty method of sale, with some subtle variations aimed at obtaining the highest price.

If true genius lies in the ability to take something complicated and make it simple, then the reverse must hold true. Most common real estate methods take a straightforward process and make it dangerous, complicated and risky, for both buyer and seller.

The aim of any sale for the seller and their agent is to maximise the final sale price, with minimal risk for the seller and within the agreed time frame.



For both the property seller and buyer, simplicity leads to good outcomes, and simplicity is the hallmark of The Smart Sale.

Most properties sold in Australia would benefit from this transparent strategy.

During a private treaty sale, the property has a revealed listed price. It is a price the seller will accept, and it allows the buyer to purchase the property at the asking price.

A genuine asking price close to or at market value helps the seller maintain the power within a negotiation once a buyer is found.

When using The Smart Sale method, the initial price is set slightly higher than the
expected market price and then strategically reduced if the property doesn’t sell.



Why start the price higher?  Surely there is a risk to the digital footprint?

Yes, and no, depending on how it is managed.

As a general rule, a property is advertised as soon as it is listed. The major websites such as realestate.com.au and domain.com.au are most commonly used, and a digital footprint quickly follows. If it doesn’t sell quickly at the initial price, all subsequent price reductions are visible forever, along with time on market.

To safely market a property and obtain the highest price, a strategy must exist to manage the conflict arising between digital advertising and the digital footprint.


Find the best buyer – The Heart Buyer

Occasionally, a buyer for a property defies market logic. They are a specific buyer for a specific house. This buyer will generally live in the property and it becomes their home. There is an instant and strong emotional connection. It might be a childhood home, close to work, close to friends and relatives, or maybe in the desired school zone. Whatever the reason, these buyers are emotional and buy with their heart – not with the cold logic of a financial property purchase. They will pay a higher price than expected, often above market value.

The heart buyer, although rare, is unquestionably the first buyer agents and owners should consider. Often, the heart buyer falls into one of two categories.

They have been looking for the perfect property for a long time. Generally, they have a lengthy list of requirements.

They are an impulse buyer, who were not currently looking to buy, but just happened to see a property and fell in love with it.


For more information on how The Smart Sale could benefit you, please contact us today:

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